Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today in my way to avoid doing anything productive I decided to take a walk in the arboretum armed with my camera. This started as just a way to practice my photography skills which I know need a lot of work. But quickly this activity became more than just taking pictures. Alone in the snow and the beauty of all of this God quickly spoke to me. I was reflecting on Terry's sermon on Sunday (if you don't attend Breiel you can listen to the sermon here - http://www.breielchurch.org/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/applogic+ftcontentserver?pagename=faithhighway/10000/8000/154BR/scmedia&type=mediaplayer&loc=www.breielchurch.org/media/media/mediaplayer.php&id=2010021407023754F178if you are single I highly recommend it.)

My life hasn't always gone as I thought it should but today I was reminded that God has a plan. Just as I don't like all this snow but today I got lost in the beauty of it. And sometimes even when life seems as if its not going as it should we need to sit back and enjoy the beauty of life. We should take every season as it comes - the good and the bad. But be honest with God through it all - He longs to hear it from you. That is what I realized today as I walked through the snow and talked to God - He just wanted to hear it from me - all of it the good and the bad. And He wants to hear it from you too.

While I was walking today I looked at my feet which I couldn't see because they burried in the snow and I smiled because I thought - that is this season of my life. Fully in winter, for about seven years now. Life has seemed almost dead but I was reminded today that this season has a purpose too. God is preparing me for what the future holds but He is also making me beautiful in His eyes.

This has been another one of those rambling posts - but it was just so beautiful and I could just hear God speaking as I walked through the snow that I wanted to share it.

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