Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thoughts From a Single Girl

Lately a lot of people have been curious about my love life or lack thereof. It seems I can’t go anywhere, especially church without someone asking me something or trying to set me up with someone. And while the interest I know is out of sincere concern and love for me sometimes it gets a little tiring.

What’s wrong with being friends with a guy first? Getting to know him and see if he has the potential for marriage. You know if I would have done that with some of my relationships when I was younger, I could have saved a lot of heartache. I would have realized that some of the great “Christian guys” I thought I was dating weren’t so great.

And what’s wrong with wanting the guys to do the pursuing? Yes, we live in a “modern” world but guys take note – girls like to be chased. We like you to do things for us, we like you to make us feel special and most of all we like you to ask first or to call first.

So yes, I do have a long list of qualities I want in a future husband but that is because I have been blessed with some amazing guy friends who have shown me it is possible to find those qualities in a guy, because they demonstrate those qualities in their everyday lives.

This morning Terry preached about doing everything with excellence in our jobs. But I don’t think it stops in our jobs and in our work for the church, like he said. Every area of our lives is to be lived in excellence as a testimony to how great our God is. And I believe that our relationships can often be a testimony to how great of a God we serve. And I know that I want my marriage to a testimony to the fact that I serve a big God who has forgiven me and blessed me with love that I so don’t deserve.

So girls, please take words of advice from someone older – don’t jump into a relationship but enjoy friendship. See if he has the qualities you like. Watch how he treats other girls especially his sister or mom. It will be a good sign of how he will treat you and don’t lower your standards, no matter what people say. God has someone out there for you and he will bring Him to you when the time is right. I have just heard so many girls younger than me talking about the relationships they want to be in. And some of them even quickly realizing the person doesn’t live up to their standards. Don’t settle for less than God’s best for your life. He never called us to live a substandard life but He said He came so that we might live the ABUNDANT life. And I believe that the abundant life is one where we do everything with excellence, including our relationships.
This is a lot of rambling and me processing a lot of conversations and events that have happened in my life recently. If you are a person who has said something please don’t take offence, I appreciate that you care enough and think enough of me to be that concerned for me, just realize that I am relying on God and I believe He has the most amazing plan out there.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Michelle! So often women rush into dating, relationships, or marriage because they feel an urgency to do what society expects. Continue doing what you're doing, be patient and enjoy your time of singlehood! You won't have it forever :) It was about the time I had embraced being a single, independent woman that I met my husband. I almost didn't want to give up the single life! You may meet "him" when you least expect it!
