Friday, January 15, 2010


The blessings
They pour down like rain
Yet sometimes I miss them
I can’t open my eyes to see the things you have given to me
The kind words of a friend
The love of a family
A smile from a stranger
All blessing from heaven that I sometimes miss
Because I am to selfish to see what I really needed
And wonder why you didn’t give me all I wanted.
Yet sometimes those blessings leave me in awe
Like when I open my eyes during worship
And find I am surrounded by friends with their hands raised high
In surrender to the one true God
And I wonder how I got so blessed
How You knew exactly what I needed
In each moment of this life.
So God help me to see through each storm
To see Your hand at work all around me
For I don’t want to miss the blessings
You have poured out on me

Orginally written: May 31, 2009

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