Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Heart Like His

I have begun to study the life of David, with the help of Beth Moore and only a week into this study I am excited for it and excited to lead the girls through it.

The phrase that keeps ringing in my mind is "David was a man after God's own heart." I keep wondering what made God able to say this to Samuel. What made David different from his brothers that God said Samuel this is the one to anoint as king. I mean David's father didn't even want to bring him to Samuel at first, his own father was saying my youngest son, the shepherd could not be the one God has called to be king. But yet, he was the one God choose.

I want to know what makes David a man after God's own heart, because I want to be a woman after God's own heart and so I have been thinking of what I know of the life of David. And I keep thinking none of it makes him special. I mean yes, killing Goliath with a stone, that makes him special but I don't think that is why God called him. What resonates (you should have seen me trying to spell that word-that's why I don't use big words often) with me about what I know about David's life is that he was always honest with God. He worshipped God in the good, he didn't worry about the "churchy" things of worship he just presented a pure heart before God. He ran from God, he questioned God, the psalms are full of true and honest emotions and I believe that is why God choose David - to show us that he could use someone with emotions such as ours, with human desires and actions to lead the way for Jesus. David wasn't perfect, you don't have to be a scholar to know that, but we know that from his line, came our Savior. That this imperfect man was called a man after God's own heart. And so I think what God is a calling us to is to offer our imperfect lives up to him completely and to be honest with Him in every moment.

Expect more on the life of David to come. As I have 9 more weeks of study ahead of me :) Senior high girls, I am excited to lead you in this study as we all learn to have hearts like His :)

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