Friday, January 15, 2010

Sharing God's Love

Isn’t it funny how the simplest things can remind you of so much? This morning I stopped at Starbucks to get a caramel macchiato on my way to Bible study. I didn’t think much of it at first as I silently critiqued the lady who made my drink but when she didn’t drizzle caramel on top I was flooded with memories of an old friend, the one who taught me how to make a perfect caramel macchiato, Matthew. Matthew was more than a friend, he was my boss at the coffee shop I worked at in college. Matthew and I had a strange relationship, we often took smoke breaks together, although I have never smoked, I enjoyed these times just to sit and talk with Matthew. You see, Matthew was an openly gay man living with his partner and although I never said anything about it he knew where I stood with God. I mean, I went to the Christian college, wouldn’t work on Sundays or Wednesday nights and often sat in the coffee shop to do my Bible study, it wasn’t hard to figure out. But Matthew also knew I never judged his way of life. We often talked about baseball which would lead to more about jobs, school, family, friends and even relationships. I’ll never forget one night as Matthew and I were closing the coffee shop, he stopped dead in tracks turned and looked at me and asked me to pray for him. I stood their stunned while I managed to mumble, “ok..” Matthew went on to tell me that he didn’t feel he could talk to God with how he was living his life but that he had recently come back into contact with his brother and wanted some prayers. In my disbelief I think I mumbled something about how anyone could talk to God and that I would be praying. We never again talked about that conversation and shortly after I left Florida to move back home. I visited Matthew at the coffee shop last time I was in Florida, we took a smoke break and caught up on all the things that had happened in our lives and shared our anticipation for baseball season. That day I noticed something in Matthew had changed, he was smoking less and just seemed happier. Since then Matthew and I have lost touch and I regret it, but such is life. But every time I stop to get a coffee I find myself thinking of him and say a little prayer for I know seeds of hope have been planted in his life and I pray that God has brought other people along his path to water them.
I’m afraid I’ve changed to since then. I’m more afraid to speak what I believe in and maybe a little more judgmental too. But today as I enjoyed my caramel macchiato I prayed that God would bring back in me the person I was then. That I would be able to spread the Gospel and God’s love without ever saying a word.

I love the quote “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” I pray that I can find a desire to live my life this way again for I fear I have strayed so far from it.
I don’t know where you are today and to be honest I’m not sure really why I’m sharing this story. I think I just needed to get it out there. I hope it inspires you to live your life in a way that shows everyone the love of God. I find it no coincidence that during these thoughts Warren Barfield’s song Mistaken came on my IPod. Lord, may we all be mistaken for You.”

Orginally written: June 27, 2009

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