Friday, January 15, 2010

God of This City

I’ve been trying to put into words what I experienced this week during the God of this city missions trip. And I’m struggling to find words to express it. I can tell you what I saw that part is easy. I saw shelves being built, clothes and donations being sorted, items put into tubs, people sharing meals, kids serving the needy, youth worshipping like never before and God being glorified in the city of Middletown.I reluctantly agreed to go on this trip. I’m not sure why it was so difficult for me I love these kids but for some reason I was so against going on this trip, I guess because I had my own agenda and after this week I realize Satan didn’t want me to experience all I experienced. But God had huge plans, things I didn’t even realize I needed planned for this week.

This week I saw God show up not just once but everywhere we went. When we were serving He was there, when we had free time He was there, when we shared meals He was there and even when we slept He was there. We had amazing worship with our wonderful friends Ruah but it wasn’t about them, God showed up every time we had a worship service. I saw these youth worship in a way I had never seen before. They experienced freedom in worship with hands raised high they gave everything to God. It was so amazing that every time I opened my eyes I began to cry because they were so genuine in their worship. Wes allowed God to work through him to deliver some awesome messages that pushed all of us youth and adults to be better people. I saw people lay down their chains that had been holding them for so long and experience a freedom from what held them down in their walk. I too experienced a new found freedom from something I didn’t even realize I was still struggling with. God spoke to me in a new way.
This week I realized that when we serve others it pushes us to our limits. It tests us and if we allow God to have control we can become more like him. I never saw one fight between our kids or adults this week. We all worked together as a team everyday. We knew our tasks and we worked hard.

These words barely touch the surface of what we experienced as a group this week. And I say all of this because youth, I am proud of you. You took the city of Middletown by storm this week and the lives of many people will never be the same because of it. Today I got asked what I do in my free time and I was so proud to say that I spend so much of my time with you guys. You are an amazing bunch of teenagers and I love you. I love that you allow God to work in you and to truly be the Lord of your lives. Keep up the good work. We finished the fight this week but we must keep on fighting until the end. There is still so much of this city that went untouched. Greater things are still to come in this city.

Thank you for the blessing of serving beside these kids. And for being able to serve them. I pray your blessing upon each one of them. Lord, this week they learned so much about themselves and about you. May they never cease to worship you and may you always show up in the daily events of their lives like you did this week.
Lord, we know there is still so much to do in this city, this nation and this world. May we keep the passion we have experienced this week as we go back to our daily lives. May we remember that there are always more people that need to hear of your love and more people who are hurting. May we share the gospel always and use words when necessary. Let your passion for the lost burn in each one of us. You are the God of this city and may we continue to bring glory to your name.
In Jesus name,

Orginally written: June 21, 2009

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