Friday, January 15, 2010

For Such A Time As This

For such a time as this. The famous words we all can quote from the story of Esther. Up until recently I always thought of “for such a time of this” moments as the big moments in our lives. God’s calling, meeting a significant other, making a big decision, or being a part of something big in the life of a church. But recently I have heard God whisper “for such a time as this” in the small moments. In praying with a youth, or worshipping with some old friends who remind me of days gone by, or the laughter of family members gathered together, or in the quietness of my own house, in all of these moments I have heard God say, “for such a time as this.” I always had thought God had called me to move home because he had a significant other for me here or some big ministry to do but none of those things have happened and to be honest lately I had been frustrated with God not understanding all that He had called me too. Don’t get me wrong since I have moved home I have seen him move in some big ways and I have learned and grown so much but I didn’t understand His will for me. Until I changed my view of His will. I realized His will for me is to bring glory to His name beyond that it will all be ok. And once I got that into perspective it was like I could hear Him say loud and clear “for such a time as this” in every little moment. And he has surprised me in the ways he has worked. Opening doors in unexpected ways. Giving me opportunity to speak of Him when I least expected it. Of course, He still hasn’t answered all of my questions but as long as I strive to bring glory to His name I know He is continuing to work.

I don’t know where you are tonight and how you have seen Him at work in your own life. But my prayer is tonight that you will see that His will for your life is to bring glory to His name.

You are so amazing. You work in the big ways and the small ways and for that I thank You. Lord I pray tonight that everyone who reads this, including myself will see Your will for our lives as to bring glory to Your name and that we will strive to do that each and every day.
In Your name I pray,

Orginally written: November 16, 2009

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