Friday, January 15, 2010

The Motions

The words to Brandon West’s song The Motions have been stuck in my head for over a day. They have become a constant prayer of sorts to me – “I don’t wanna go through the motions. I don’t wanna go one more day without Your all consuming passion inside of me. I don’t wanna spend my whole life asking what if I had given everything instead of going through the motions?”
These words inspired the memory of good friend of mine who passed away 9 years ago. She was only 18 but in her final year or so here on Earth she inspired all who knew her.
Teresa and I were childhood friends we met in the field behind my house every chance we got with the entire neighborhood. My mom will tell you we didn’t always get along and I’m sure she’s right. Teresa was outspoken and a typical redhead and while I was a little more quiet and shy we both liked to have our own ways and would fight to get them.
But in Teresa’s final two years here we grew closer. She was my ride to school every morning that she felt well enough to drive. And we thought we were hot stuff in her red Mustang convertible. But it wasn’t long into my sophomore year when Teresa couldn’t go to school anymore. From that point on she was in and out of Children’s Hospital more times than I can count. I remember spending that New Year’s Eve with her in the hospital we made plans for the next year. She made me promise I would spend the next New Year’s Eve with her and I promised, even though we both knew it probably wouldn’t come true. I made her promise me she would teach me to ride a horse and she promised she would. We were going to have a great year in 200, just as soon as she could get out of that hospital.
One of my greatest memories from that year with Teresa I wasn’t even there for but I was told about by her mom. One of the doctors asked Teresa if she could have 3 wishes what would they be. They were to graduate high school, own a farm, and to see everyone come to know Jesus. I remember listening in awe as my precious friend didn’t even ask for her own healing she knew when she left this world where she was going. I’m glad to say that in June of 200 Teresa did graduate high school with a standing ovation. Just a few short days later Teresa was put back into the hospital. I remember going to see her and she wasn’t conscious but she held my hand. Just over a week my dear friend was gone.
It gets harder to remember her each day that passes. Sometimes I pull out pictures or stop by grave more to remember what she looked like than anything. But even as the memories fade one that never will was her dream of everyone knowing Christ.

You see Teresa knew the moments she had were limited and so she made the most in that final year to share Christ and His love with all she came in contact with. She didn’t just go through the motions she lived it to the best of her ability.

Lord,I don’t want to go through the motions. I don’t want to go one more day without Your all consuming passion inside of me. I don’t want to spend my whole life asking what if I had given everything instead of going through the motions.Please forgive me Lord for I know lately I have been just going through the motions I haven’t lived with your passion. Lord please fill me with that passion today. Help me to see this world as you see it. Hurting and broken. Lord help me to preach the Gospel with every day of my life and to use words when necessary.Thank you Lord for the example you set before me of not going through the motions. I know that everyone who came in contact with Teresa knew where she stood with you. And Lord I thank you for her friendship, she was such a special person.In Jesus name,Amen

Orginally written: June 13, 2009

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