Friday, January 15, 2010

Psalm 37:4

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” This is one of the first verses I commited to memory. I was going through a struggle being 18 and just ending a relationship and wondering how God could work in my life. And a wise friend told me to memorize this verse. It helped for the time but since then 7 years have passed and to be honest I had given up on this promise from God. I felt like none of the desires of my heart had come, He hadn’t granted me anything. But this weekend I was challenged as one of my favorite speakers, Beth Moore, spoke on this exact verse. I was challenged to look around and see all the things that God had given me over those years. I had spent time in Flordia, where I met some amazing friends & family. Where I grew in my relationship with God like I never had before. I have been able to serve at Breiel in many different aspects of the church, that I wouldn’t have had I been given the desires of my heart. And most recently I have learned that I can make it all by myself and my God will always be with me. Had I been given the desires of my heart at 18,19, or even 20 I never would have ended up buying a house this summer and what an amazing journey it has been with God and my family and my friends. And so I’ve come to realize that those desires, I KNOW my God will fulfill for He is faithful to His Word but in the meantime He has looked at the heart of my desires and that was for me to be the best person I could be in my walk with Him and He has taught me so much about who I am in Him in the past 7 years than I ever thought I would know. I am continuing to trust that God keeps His Word and have learned that often when He seems slow to answer us – its because His glory is at stake. I can’t wait for Him to show me His glory as He fulfills the desires of my heart and while I know I may have to keep waiting I will be looking for the small blessings all around.

Orginally written: August 30, 2009

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